Conference Organizers |
Organizing committee: |
Alex Bateman | | Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK |
Judy Blake | | Mouse Genome Informatics, USA |
Mike Cherry | | Saccharomyces Genome Database, USA |
Pascale Gaudet | | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland |
Michelle Giglio | | University of Maryland, USA |
Takashi Gojobori | | National Institute of Genetics, Japan |
Renate Kania | | HITS gGmbH, Germany |
Raja Mazumder | | George Washington University, USA |
Ilene Mizrachi | | GenBank, USA |
Monica C. Munoz-Torres | | Georgetown University, USA |
Claire O'Donovan | | European Bioinformatics Institute, UK |
Francis Ouellette | | The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research |
Kim Pruitt | | RefSeq, USA |
Bruno Sobral | | Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, USA |
Granger G. Sutton | | JCVI, USA |
Cathy Wu | | Protein Information Resource, USA |
Jasmine Young | | PDB, USA |
Local arrangement committee: |
Leslie Arminski | | Protein Information Resource, USA |
Kati Laiho | | Protein Information Resource, USA |
Raja Mazumder | | George Washington University, USA |
Peter McGarvey | | Protein Information Resource, USA |
Monica C. Munoz-Torres | | Georgetown University, USA |
Darren Natale | | Protein Information Resource, USA |
Thane Natarajan | | Protein Information Resource, USA |
Baris Suzek | | Protein Information Resource, USA |
Sona Vasudevan | | Georgetown University, USA |