BioCreative-2012 Workshop
Interactive Text Mining
in the Biocuration Workflow
April 4-5, 2012, Washington
BioCreative: Critical Assessment of Information Extraction in Biology is a community-wide effort for evaluating text mining and information extraction systems applied to the biological domain. Built on the success of the previous BioCreative Challenge Evaluations and Workshops (BioCreative I, II, II.5, and III) and in preparation for the BioCreative IV Challenge Evaluations, the BioCreative Organizing Committee will host the BioCreative-2012 Workshop in Washington DC on April 4-5, 2012, in conjunction with the Biocuration-2012.
The BioCreative-2012 Workshop on Interactive Text Mining in the Biocuration Workflow aims to bring together the biocuration and text mining communities towards the development and evaluation of interactive text mining tools and systems to improve utility and usability in the biocuration workflow. To achieve this goal, the workshop will consist of three Tracks: (I-Triage) a collaborative biocuration-text mining development task for document prioritization for curation; (II-Workflow) a biocuration workflow survey and analysis task; and (III-Interactive TM) an interactive text mining and user evaluation task. Note that this workshop differs from the free-standing BioCreative workshops (BioCreative I-III held in 2004-2010 and BioCreative IV to be held in 2013) in that there will be a formal evaluation of systems, but no competition.
The BioCreative-2012 Workshop Proceedings will be published for participating text mining systems and biocuration workflows presented at the workshop. A special issue of the journal DATABASE will be published for overview papers of the Tracks and possibly also for selected systems demonstrating significant contributions to biocuration workflows.
The BioCreative workshop schedule will be synchronized with the Biocuration meeting to allow attendance to the plenary sessions and other text mining relevant sessions.