Viral Representative Proteomes (Viral RP) Release 2024_02, 3-27-2024 ----------------------------------------------------- Totoal # of complete proteomes: 86962 # of proteomes in RP95(CMT>=95%): 15848 # of proteomes in RP75(CMT>=75%): 10498 # of proteomes in RP55(CMT>=55%): 8170 # of proteomes in RP35(CMT>=35%): 6466 # of proteomes in RP15(CMT>=15%): 4800 FTP download: Sequence downloads at different cut-offs and for all complete proteomes (one protein per gene). Text files of proteome clusters at different co-membership threshold cut-offs. ------------------------------------ Protein Information Resource (PIR) Georgetown University Medical Center 3300 Whitehaven Street, NW, Suite 1200 Washington, DC 20007, USA Email: