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Leslie Arminski, Ph.D
System Manager
Protein Information Resource
Primary Expertise
As the system manager, Dr. Arminski is responsible for system upgrades, system programming, system maintenance, purchasing and installation of all software, hardware and peripherals, daily backups and working with field engineers. He is also working to develop three dimensional aids for stereotactic neurosurgery, a general purpose laboratory information system, and user-friendly software for data entry and output forms on an automated chromosome analysis project.

B.E., Chemical Engineering,The City College of New York, New York, NY. 1975
M.E., Chemical Engineering,The City College of New York, New York, NY. 1977
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, The City University of New York, New York, NY. 1980

Ongoing and future developments at the Universal Protein Resource.
UniProt Consortium.
Nucleic Acids Res. 39(Database issue):D214-9. 2011.
From protein sequences to 3D-structures and beyond: the example of the UniProt knowledgebase.
Hinz U; UniProt Consortium.
Cell Mol Life Sci. 67(7):1049-64. 2010.
The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) in 2010.
UniProt Consortium.
Nucleic Acids Res. 38(Database issue):D142-8. 2010.
The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) 2009.
UniProt Consortium.
Nucleic Acids Res. 37(Database issue):D169-74. 2009.
The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt).
UniProt Consortium.
Nucleic Acids Res. 35(Database issue):D193-7. 2007.
PIRSF: family classification system at the Protein Information Resource.
Wu CH, Nikolskaya A, Huang H, Yeh LS, Natale DA, Vinayaka CR, Hu ZZ, Mazumder R, Kumar S, Kourtesis P, Ledley RS, Suzek BE, Arminski L, Chen Y, Zhang J, Cardenas JL, Chung S, Castro-Alvear J, Dinkov G, Barker WC.
Nucleic Acids Res. 32(Database issue):D112-4. 2004.
The Protein Information Resource.
Wu CH, Yeh LS, Huang H, Arminski L, Castro-Alvear J, Chen Y, Hu Z, Kourtesis P, Ledley RS, Suzek BE, Vinayaka CR, Zhang J, Barker WC.
Nucleic Acids Res. 31(1):345-7. 2003.
The Protein Information Resource: an integrated public resource of functional annotation of proteins.
Wu CH, Huang H, Arminski L, Castro-Alvear J, Chen Y, Hu ZZ, Ledley RS, Lewis KC, Mewes HW, Orcutt BC, Suzek BE, Tsugita A, Vinayaka CR, Yeh LS, Zhang J, Barker WC.
Nucleic Acids Res. 30(1):35-7. 2002.
The Protein Information Resource (PIR) and the PIR-International Protein Sequence Database.
George DG, Dodson RJ, Garavelli JS, Haft DH, Hunt LT, Marzec CR, Orcutt BC, Sidman KE, Srinivasarao GY, Yeh LS, Arminski LM, Ledley RS, Tsugita A, Barker WC.
Nucleic Acids Res. 25(1):24-8. 1997.
Introduction to the operational aspects of digital fluoroscopy.
Ledley RS, Rotolo LS, Golab TJ, Arminski L, Wilson JB.
Comput Radiol. 7(1):19-47. 1983.
Time dependent theory for vesicular transport across vascular endothelium.
Arminski L, Weinbaum S, Pfeffer R.
J Theor Biol. 85(1):13-43. 1980.
Steric hindrance effects on the time dependent diffusion of plasmalemma vesicles across vascular endothelium.
Arminski L, Chien S, Pfeffer R, Weinbaum S.
Biorheology. 17(5-6):431-44. 1980.

Revised 04/06/2011

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