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Current Funding
PRO: A Protein Ontology in Open Biomedical Ontologies is funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), National Institutes of Health, grant #R01 GM080646-01.
UniProt is supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), National Institutes of Health, grant #U01 HG02712-04.
The Administrative Resource for Biodefense Proteomics Research Programs is funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health, grant #HHSN266200400061C.
A new paradigm for Breast Cancer Exploiting Low Dose Estrogen-induced Apoptpsis is funded by DoD BCRP Center of Excellence Award.
The BioTagger Project is funded by the National Science Foundation, grant #IIS-0430743.
Database of Related Sequences is supported by Computercraft Corporation.
Previous Funding
The iProClass Database was funded by the National Science Foundation, grant #DBI-0138188.
The GRID enablement of Protein Information Resource was funded by the National Cancer Institute, NIH, grant #caBIG-ICR-10-10-01.
The information technology support for the EOS Program was funded by the US Air Force, grant #GS-35F-4356.
PIR was supported by the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, grant #P41 LM05798.
The Protein Ontology Project was funded by the National Science Foundation, grant #ITR-0205470.
The iProClass Database was funded by the National Science Foundation, grant #DBI-9974855.
The PIR-RESID Database was funded by the National Science Foundation, grant #DBI-9808414.

Computing Resources
SUN Fire V880 Server is supported by the Academic Excellence Grant (AEG), a gift from Sun Microsystems.

The Protein Information Resource gratefully acknowledges past contributions from the following corporations:





If your company or organization would like to join our list of contributors, please send e-mail to pirmail@georgetown.edu email

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