unirefxml2fasta.pl ------------------------------------------ A perl script for quick conversion from UniRef xml files to fasta files. The result will be gzipped automatically. URL: https://proteininformationresource.org/download/uniref/xml2fasta/unirefxml2fasta.pl Usage: perl unirefxml2fasta.pl uniref90.xml.gz new_uniref90.fasta.gz > convert.log The output file name is automatically generated if not present. *Note: There has been a format change for UniRef xml files since 2019_11 (same as other UniProt xml files) where sequence is presented differently. This script relies on the release version (e.g. releaseDate="2020-04-22" version="2020_02") in the xml to automatically handle the version difference. If you run the script on partial xml please make sure it carries said information. ------------------------------------------- License: GPLv3, https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl%2D3.0.html